sábado, 14 de julho de 2007

Follow the light...

The road is dark.
Very dark.
So Dark...
Feet before feet.
There is no sound around.
I hear my steps.
I feel cold.
The racket of my heart beating is deafening.
The ice that goes down my throat is as a silver wire.
A needle pointing to my chest.
Smoke goes out of my nostrils confusing the vision of my eyes.
Eyes that are watering and dry.
Dry and watering.
They dry.
They dry.
The body starts to anesthetize.
I do not feel my fingers.
I do not feel my legs.
Involuntary movements.
Smoke, iron, water.
The fog recovers me.
I see nothing around me.
I do not know where to go.
I don't see the way.
A light.
Far far away.
So far away.
Follow the light.
I Follow the light.

Escrito por Juliana Melo Paulo

Um comentário:

Lucas Nascimento disse...

que beleza!!!!! Isso daria uma ótima letra de música!!!!